Friday, January 30, 2009

Mother Wore Tights

Last night I was not feeling well. I was coughing and had a fever. I took some medicine and fell asleep for a few hours. I got up at around 11:00pm and messed around on the computer for a bit. Then I went downstairs and watched Jon & Kate Plus 8 that I had recorded. Well, it was around 3am when I turned the channel to HBO. The most wonderful movie was on. I love old movies. I don't know why I haven't heard of "Mother Wore Tights", but I loved it. It starred Betty Grable and Dan Dailey. Old movies like that are such feel good movies. Needless to say it was around 5am before I finally went to bed. Now, I still have a cough and feel worse than I did Have any of you seen or heard of this movie? If you like old movies, then I totally recommend it.


Michael said...

Hope you feel better soon.

Angela said...

I hope you feel better soon! I have never seen that movie. I will have to keep an eye out for it.

kelsey. ♥ said...

aww, feel better soon! :)

and that title sounds familiar, but I have never seen it...


Deanna said...

Hi prima! I got my goodies yesterday! Wow, I wore my necklace today and got so many compliments! Thank you so much.

Prima, I have that movie. I saw it for the first time when I was about 10 years old. And...I was up this morning watching it. How funny huh?

Deanna :)

Dawn said...

So sorry you're not feeling well, we have a nasty cold running through our house too. I felt awful yesterday.

I love getting lost in movies, I haven't seen that one - I'll have a look for it.

Hope you feel better soon!

Mom of 2 Roses said...

No I have never heard of it. I will have to find it and watch it. Oliver will always be our movie though.
Love ya!